Welcome to Tennant Across the Pond

Thanks for coming by--and welcome to Tennant Across the Pond, my online journal which will serve to update friends and family about my upcoming trips to Formby, U.K.

I will be in Formby twice in the next six months, serving with Formby Baptist Church. The dates for the trip are:

March 5-22 and May 16-July 12.

For updates, info, and reflections, read on.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Son Rock Kids' Camp: The UK Tour

This week was Holiday Club, the English equivalent of Vacation Bible School. Our theme this year was Son Rock Kids' Camp, which was the same theme we used for VBS last summer at First Church.

It's a weird feeling to do the same VBS twice in a row at two different venues. Doing it here certainly makes me miss my family at First United Methodist Church in Warren, Ohio. The blessing is that I love this curriculum and what it teaches kids, so I can watch God use it twice!

Throughout the , I discovered that VBS songs are much cuter when sung with an English accent--"Son Rock Kids' Camp" has a way cooler ring to it. Definitely, the more shallow thing we learned this week, but still something we learned.

Throughout the week, we connected with about 15 kids, but only had about 9 each day. This was nice, because we had about 9 helpers, so a 1:1 ratio was really helpful when managing behavior and crafts and snacks. These kids really latched on to our Bible stories and truly enjoyed themselves during the week, which made doing everything worth it.

The most important lesson this week, though, was just how exhausting ministry is. I have never been so worn out in my entire life by doing any kind of ministry. This was the case because not only did we have to do 2 hours of Holiday Club each day (plus at least an hour and a half prep each day), we also had to write sermons and Bible studies and do other ministry throughout the week.

So it was challenging--I'm thankful to the Spirit for giving me physical strength to make it through the week without a nervous breakdown or mono. This week, I found myself praying Psalm 81:10, "Open your mouth wide and I will fill it," in combination with 81:16, "But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."

God is into giving His kids good things, feeding us wheat and honey and satisfying us so we can do that which He has called us to do. Thursday night I hit the pillow with a simple prayer, "Please, please let me sleep really well tonight, Papa." I woke up Friday with more energy than I'd had all week.

I'm thankful that He gives us the little things (like cheeseburgers for dinner on Thursday) and the big things (a chance to teach kids about Jesus).

And now the UK tour of Son Rock Kids Camp has ended, except for the few songs we're going to sing tomorrow morning in front of the whole church during the Children's Sermon. I get the idea that they enjoy watching us make fools out of ourselves more than they enjoy the children having a part in the sermon.

But I'm OK with that.

I'm keeping my eyes on Jesus
When I start to fall,
He helps me to stand.

I'm keeping my eyes on Jesus,
And He's keeping me in His Hands.
--Holiday Club Favorite


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