Welcome to Tennant Across the Pond

Thanks for coming by--and welcome to Tennant Across the Pond, my online journal which will serve to update friends and family about my upcoming trips to Formby, U.K.

I will be in Formby twice in the next six months, serving with Formby Baptist Church. The dates for the trip are:

March 5-22 and May 16-July 12.

For updates, info, and reflections, read on.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Living In-Between

Today is the day. Today is the day I break this 23-day silence and bring all of you a status update as to where we are in preparation for our return for Formby.

Since I last wrote, we booked our tickets--this was probably the most exciting event in relation to this trip, since it means that we are really, really going. We'll be departing on May 16 and arriving back in the States on July 12.

Also, just this past week, I made contact with The Crowded House, a church planting network in Sheffield, about 2 or 3 hours away from Formby. As part of my internship, I'm going to go out there for a weekend to see how they do church. The pastors of the church wrote a book, Total Church, which presents a radical way to live in community around the Gospel. It is in the top three books I've read on church ministry for sure. During my time there, I'll shadow them in community, visit the Sunday service, and stay with a community member in their home for the weekend. I am really quite excited about this.

Beyond that, I must admit, there has not been too much preparation. Each member of our summer team is engaged in the end of the semester spring, turning in papers and projects, preaching final sermons, and trying to breathe on top of it all. While we are all very excited to see everyone and start ministry again, we are still trying to finish our studies well.

One need that you can pray for: the budget for living expenses has gotten a little tight. The plane tickets ended up ringing in over $900--this took money from the overall expenses I was hoping to get for living this summer. So, while I am not completely broke, I will need a bit more in the bank for when we arrive for eight weeks. Please pray that God would send the support my way. If you feel lead to give to this, please contact me, or send the funds to the address on the right. I really appreciate your support.

So for now, I live in-between. On one side I have my studies, on the other, a summer in England. I am filled with holy curiosity over what God will do this summer. Until then, I should probably get back to this book review...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Preaching the Word

This expresses well a difficulty I will face during my two weeks in England. I'll be preaching a total of six times, as well as teaching a number of Bible studies and other lessons, and this, surely, is something that must be ever before me.

"I believe the great task of any Christian–from early believer to seasoned theologian or pastor–is to take the unique language of Scripture and theology and make it accessible to those who have not been exposed to any of it without losing the essence of what God is communicating in His Word."

"Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us."
--2 Timothy 3:16 (MSG)